Children & Youth Activities

Our mission - we work with parents/grandparents/carers to enable children to be introduced to Jesus, and to reconnect their hearts with God the Father in a personal and intimate relationship through the knowledge of Jesus as the Saviour.

Our aim - to provide ministry to all children and their families and welcome them to attend other activities for their development.  As young people mature, we support them to develop their own faith and relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

 Sunday school is designed as All Family Time from 10:30 am - 11:15 am.  Sunday school classes are grouped according to school ages.

  •         0-5 years (nursery/preschool/reception age)
  •         6-11 years Primary School (School years 1-6)
  •         11-16+ Secondary School (School years 7-11)
        Parents Prayer and Support Group - whilst parents wait for their children, they are encouraged to gather for prayer and bible study.

 Children of all ages are welcomed to attend Sunday worship services with their parents from 11.30 am - 13.00 pm.  Children are provided with light snacks following   Sunday school.

 During term time we have activities for children and young people from 3-16 years of age.

EVERY SUNDAY (During the main service):

Rainbow Kids (3-7 years)

We're meeting online via Zoom!

To sign in, please contact Pastor Charles at 07714 092 188.

Younger children learn about Jesus through songs, Bible lessons & games!

Junior Class (7-11 years)

We're meeting online via Zoom!
To sign in, please contact Pastor Charles at 07714 092 188

Primary-aged children learn Bible Lessons with games/activities!

J-Space (12-16 years)

Making space for Jesus in everyday life through discussions and fun with some of the older youths!

MIDWEEK (Term-Time Only):

One Way Kidz Club

"One Way Kidz" is open to all children from the local community, every Friday from 4:30 to 6pm for fun and faith-based discussion following a week of school.

Kids can take part in Sports, Crafts, Occasional Workshops (e.g. cooking and seasonal parties).

Mothers & Others Drop-In

This is a Drop-in toddler's play group with Parents and Child Carers.

Children have a fun filled morning that can be stimulating for both adults and children with toys to suit all needs. Pop by any Thursday morning, 10am to 12 Noon (Term-time only).