The Turkish Fellowship: Yeni Yasam Kilisesi

Thousands of Turkish and Kurdish speakers live in North London and Yeni Yasam - New Life church, supported by London City Mission, Operation Mobilisation and Woodberry Down Baptist Church, seeks to reach them with the good news of Jesus.

The Main Service (6-7:30pm)

Please visit us for our bilingual Turkish-English service (any Sunday from 6-7:30pm).

There will be an (English) Sunday school for children during the service.

All are welcome to join us for this service for refreshments.

Community Outreach 

Yeni Yasam is regularly involved in street outreach, distributing literature and sharing the good news about Jesus with Turkish & Turkish-Kurds people and many others from a Muslim background. Christian literature and the Jesus Film are available for free in Turkish, Kurmanji and in many other languages too.

We aim also to serve the needs of the Turkish speaking community by providing assistance with phone calls, translation and document processing.

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