Woodberry Recovery

Recovery Course: "The Way" - Tuesday, 6:30pm - 9pm

Men's Study: Nurturing Godliness  - Thursday, 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Simply the Story - A Scripture Study helping you to apply the Bible in your day to day living. - Saturday, 2:00pm - 4:30pm

Disni Club - creative arts; writing, gardening or wellness events. - Saturday Fortnightly 11:00am -1:00pm

Woodberry Recovery

Woodberry Recovery is a team of compassionate workers who are reaching out to others who are struggling with life-controlling issues and destructive behavioural patterns; from the really addictive gambler, alcohol or drug user to those trapped in porn, eating issues, self harm and other things in between, even those enslaved in panic, anger, fearful and anxious thoughts patterns.

We offer teaching and advice for people in recovery, through a training course.
We also run group support sessions and creative workshops. These are intended to help alleviate isolation and loneliness and also sharing of information and experiences. Alongside these group meetings we also offer peer support and mentoring.

All our meetings enable people to see how they are not alone in their struggles, that people do care and that there is help and hope.

Recovery & Wellness 

We share testimonials and other professional talks that will inspire you to stay healthy and well. These talks will help you to renew your mind and equip you to make changes that will impact your physical and spiritual life. 

Check Calendar for next Event. 

Woodberry Down Chapel - Calendar (mozello.com)

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