Sunday Services:

Morning Worship | Sundays, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

We meet in person every Sunday (11:30 am) and via Zoom for worship; praise and adoration, followed by the Gospel, from God's Word and prayer (The Bible).

Zoom ID: 848 833 7959

Sunday School | Sundays, 10:30 am -11:15 am

Young people have opportunity to meet at church (10:30-11:15 am) to engage with God's Word and connect with each other.

Currently all Sunday School Services are recession due to Summer Holidays!

Zoom ID: 848 833 7959

Karen Fellowship | 2nd Sunday, 2 pm

We meet on the 2nd Sunday monthly (2 pm) via Zoom & Skype for a time of prayer, praise, & a message from God's Word (The Bible).

Zoom ID: 848 833 7959

Turkish Fellowship | Sunday Evening, 6 pm

The Turkish fellowship, Yemi Yasam Kilisesi (New Life Fellowship) meet weekly for worship via YouTube and Facebook livestream.

Visit on Facebook

Bethel Prayer Team (by request)

There is a team available to pray for you after the service or make an appointment to be seen at other times.

Please ask a Steward or Deacon for appointments.

Midweek Services:

The Recovery Programme

This programme is for anyone who wants to escape life-controlling habits including, but not limited to, alcohol, drugs, gambling, pornography, anger, etc.  

Please join us every Tuesday at 6:030pm. Each term runs for 11 weeks.

Turkish Discipleship | Wednesdays, 7:30-9pm

A chance to grow in the faith and explore God's Word together, as part of our Turkish fellowship.

Visit on Facebook

Prayer Meeting | Wednesdays, 1-3pm

This is the first of the two prayer meeting slots of the day for those who are able to spare two hours of their afternoon to gather at church and via Zoom.

Zoom ID: 848 833 7959

Prayer Meeting | Wednesdays, 7:30-9pm

For those who are able to meet in the evening, you are welcome to join us for our midweek prayer meeting via Zoom.

Zoom ID: 848 833 7959

Men's Group | Thursdays, 7 - 8:30pm

Nurturing men to godliness.

Simply the Story | Saturdays, 11- 1pm

Retelling verbatim a portion of Scripture and analysing it for meaning and application for day-to-day living experiences.

Christmas Eve 2024- Carol Service at 6pm

          Christmas Day - we are closed however, we meet again on Sunday at 11:30am


All are welcome!

Come and join in as we worship our God and Saviour!